Machen McChesney returns value to clients through our monthly e-newsletter, The Value Report.
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The Value Report - Machen McChesney Business Advisory Insights

At Machen McChesney we are committed to Returning Value to you through our monthly e-newsletter, The Value Report.

Here you'll find regular tips to help with your business and personal finances, as well as strategies to grow and more efficiently run your organization.  

Table of Content

  1. The Pros and Cons of Interim Reporting
  2. Bartering: A Taxable Transaction Even If Your Business Exchanges No Cash
  3. M&A Transactions: Avoid Surprises from the IRS
  4. Private Companies: Beware of SEC Scrutiny
  5. It's a Good Time to Buy Business Equipment and Other Depreciable Property
  6. Let's Find a Better Way to Manage Your Receivables
  7. Businesses Can Utilize the Same Information IRS Auditors Use to Examine Tax Returns
  8. Take a Closer Look at Home Office Deductions
  9. What's New at Machen McChesney

The Pros and Cons of Interim ReportingiStock-473223036-1-1The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires certain public companies to publish quarterly financial statements to give investors insight into midyear performance. Though interim reporting generally isn’t required for private companies, stakeholders in smaller entities can benefit even more than those of public companies from this type of information. But it’s also important to understand the potential shortcomings. Continue reading.

Bartering: A Taxable Transaction Even If Your Business Exchanges No CashiStock-1152984551-1Small businesses may find it beneficial to barter for goods and services instead of paying cash for them. If your business engages in bartering, be aware that the fair market value of goods that you receive in bartering is taxable income. And if you exchange services with another business, the transaction results in taxable income for both parties. Continue reading.

M&A Transactions: Avoid Surprises from the IRSiStock-614115518-1If you’re considering buying or selling a business — or you’re in the process of a merger or acquisition — it’s important that both parties report the transaction to the IRS in the same way. Otherwise, you may increase your chances of being audited. Continue reading 

Private Companies: Beware of SEC ScrutinyiStock-513676272-1The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) doesn’t monitor just publicly traded companies. It also looks at the dealings of some private companies, often to the surprise of their owners and executives. Continue reading   

It's a Good Time to Buy Business Equipment and Other Depreciable PropertyiStock-896395356-1There’s good news about the Section 179 depreciation deduction for business property. The election has long provided a tax windfall to businesses, enabling them to claim immediate deductions for qualified assets, instead of taking depreciation deductions over time. And it was increased and expanded by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Continue reading

Let's Find a Better Way to Manage Your ReceivablesiStock-475502793-1Failure to collect accounts receivable (AR) in a timely manner can lead to myriad financial problems for your company, including poor cash flow and the inability to pay its own bills. Here are five effective ideas to facilitate more timely collections: Continue reading.  

Businesses Can Utilize the Same Information IRS Auditors Use to Examine Tax ReturniStock-889089768-1

The IRS uses Audit Techniques Guides (ATGs) to help IRS examiners get ready for audits. Your business can use the same guides to gain insight into what the IRS is looking for in terms of compliance with tax laws and regulations. Continue reading.

Take a Closer look at Home Office DeductionsiStock-628746128-1Working from home has its perks. Not only can you skip the commute, but you also might be eligible to deduct home office expenses on your tax return. Deductions for these expenses can save you a bundle if you meet the tax law qualifications. Continue reading. 

What's New at Machen McChesney?

iStock_41667068_LARGE-822670-edited.jpgSponsorships, new hires, announcements
Continue reading

We hope you found value in The Value Report you've received this month. We look forward to finding even more ways to Return Value to you in the future. 

Please feel free to visit our website or visit our blog at any time during the month to interact with additional valuable resources and helpful information.
If you have any questions on the topics above, please feel free to send us a message.
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