At Machen McChesney, we are committed to Returning Value to you through our monthly e-newsletter, The Value Report.
Here you'll find regular tips to help with your business and personal finances, as well as strategies to grow and more efficiently run your organization.
Table of Content
- How to Set Effective ESG Goals and Targets"
- Turning Receivables Into Cash
- Why Some Small Businesses Are Switching to Tax-Basis Reporting
- What's Driving Margin Erosion in Healthcare?
- Following the Money: Where Is Real Estate Capital Coming From?
- What Happened With the Debt Limit?
- How to Leave Your Home to Your Children
- Demystifying Nonprofit Cost Allocations
- What's New at Machen McChesney
How to Set Effective ESG Goals and Targets

Stakeholder demands for companies to commit to clear environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals and targets have become commonplace.
In addition to strengthening stakeholder relationships, setting goals and targets can help companies further their corporate sustainability strategies, improve operational and financial performance, enhance credibility, and achieve other benefits. Continue reading.
Turning Receivables Into Cash

It’s common for high-growth and seasonal businesses to have occasional shortfalls in their checking accounts. The reason relates to the cash conversion cycle — that is, it takes time to collect on customer invoices. In the meantime, employees and suppliers want to get paid. The “cash gap” is currently getting wider for many companies. A recent study by CFO / The Hackett Group shows that the cash conversion cycle increased from 35.2 days in 2021 to 36.4 days in 2022. To add insult to injury, interest rates, and many operational costs are rising. Continue reading.
Why Some Small Businesses Are Switching to Tax-Basis Reporting

Accrual-basis financial statements are considered by many to be the gold standard in financial reporting. But with the increasing cost and complexity of today’s accounting rules — particularly the updated lease guidance that went into effect last year — some private companies are seeking a simpler alternative to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The solution for some is to switch from accrual to income tax-basis reporting. Continue reading.
Following the Money: Where Is Real Estate Capital Coming From?

The past few years of pandemic recovery, rising inflation and interest rates, and legislative changes have created tremendous shifts and challenging obstacles within the real estate industry. As economic uncertainty applies pressure to sources of traditional capital, the industry is turning to private capital and small and regional banks while managing a decline in government funding. Continue reading.
What Happened With the Debt Limit?

The issue of raising the debt limit has been resolved, at least until January 2025, and we can all breathe easier now that the United States can continue to pay its debts. Hopefully, in the future, Congress will find a way to eliminate this boondoggle or at least work around it, as was done under 1979’s Gephardt Rule. Continue reading.
How to Leave Your Home to Your Children

Homes are one of the greatest and most expensive assets many people have. As a parent, you want your children to have your home after you die, but to ensure that your children are left with your home, there are some important steps that you must take. Continue reading.
Demystifying Nonprofit Cost Allocations

When asked what is at the top of their finance department’s “to-do” list, many nonprofits name the need for an updated cost allocation plan. An effective cost allocation strategy is essential to organizations’ understanding of how their resources are being deployed. It is also integral to performing cost analyses, such as evaluating funding requirements and comparing actual versus budgeted costs. Continue reading.
What's New at Machen McChesney?

Sponsorships, new hires, announcements
Continue reading.
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Machen McChesney