Every employer knows that failing to comply with federal laws is costly, but it’s getting even more so. The Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015 directs federal agencies to adjust civil penalties for inflation each year. As a result, the Department of Labor recently issued a final rule that revises civil penalties for many violations of federal labor laws for 2019. Here are some of the major areas to be aware of:
Murry Guy, CPA
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Employers: Pay Close Attention To Your Retirement Plan’s Expenses And Fees

Posted by Murry Guy, CPA on Sep 13, 2018
The Department of Labor (DOL) has been known to investigate the reasonableness of retirement plan expenses and the proper use of plan fees. In some cases, the agency has found plans to be in violation for fee-related infringements, which has led to costly assessments to the plan sponsors in question. If your organization sponsors a retirement plan for its employees, you need to pay close attention to its expenses and fees.
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Why Employers Are Taking Another Look At Life Insurance As A Fringe Benefit

Posted by Murry Guy, CPA on Aug 24, 2018
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Improving a Struggling Employee’s Performance Is a Two-way Street

Posted by Murry Guy, CPA on Jul 27, 2018
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Posted in Payroll, HR & Benefits
Most of the health and welfare plans offered by employers today are subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Generally, ERISA envisions that employee benefit plans will have both a plan document and a summary plan description (SPD). But, in some cases, a single document may serve both purposes. Let’s look at the difference between the two and under what circumstances they may be combined.
Posted in Payroll, HR & Benefits
What Employers Should Know About National Medical Support Notices

Posted by Murry Guy, CPA on Jul 03, 2018
An employer may occasionally receive a National Medical Support Notice (NMSN). If this ever happens to your organization, here’s what you should know.
Posted in Payroll, HR & Benefits
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Posted in Payroll, HR & Benefits