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Returning Value Blog

Real Estate Wealth Transfer Strategies

Posted by Marty Williams, CPA on Jun 13, 2024

For high-net-worth individuals, the art of wealth transfer extends beyond merely providing financial assistance to future generations; it is about strategically positioning the next generation for personal success. Unfortunately, it also requires navigating a complex landscape of income, gift, and estate taxes. 

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Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning

Don't Have a Tax-Favored Retirement Plan? Set One up Now.

Posted by Marty Williams, CPA on Apr 16, 2024

If your business doesn’t already have a retirement plan, it might be a good time to take the plunge. Current retirement plan rules allow for significant tax-deductible contributions.

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Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning

We May Never See a Better Environment for Transferring Wealth

Posted by Marty Williams, CPA on Feb 15, 2024

We May Never See a Better Environment for Transferring Wealth … Here’s Why

It may seem that there will always be time to address estate planning. However, a unique opportunity to maximize the amount of wealth that can be tax-efficiently passed to heirs will expire at the end of 2025. Furthermore, legislation could curb lifetime exemption limits even sooner. The opportunity is even more pressing because the current market downturn represents an especially advantageous time to optimize your taxable estate before markets eventually recover.

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Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning

Year-End Financial Planning Checklist

Posted by Marty Williams, CPA on Dec 16, 2021

With the end of 2021 coming into focus, we have many areas of uncertainty to navigate on the healthcare, economic, and political front. As we encourage our clients to continue thinking and acting long term, there are pockets of near-term financial planning opportunities to consider as the calendar rolls toward year-end.

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Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning

Staying Ahead of Potential Changes to Capital Gains Taxes

Posted by Marty Williams, CPA on Aug 17, 2021

The greatest wealth transfer in U.S. history is underway. Americans age 70 and older hold an estimated $35 trillion, according to Federal Reserve data.[1] This means that over the next several decades, millions of Americans will be contemplating how to distribute their life savings to heirs, charities, and other beneficiaries. To make matters even more interesting, wealthy Americans also face the potential for a once-in-a-generation increased tax liability. The Biden Administration has proposed increasing taxes on wealthy Americans to raise revenue for various spending initiatives.

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Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning

Planning Perspectives: Key Potential Changes Under President Biden's Tax Plan

Posted by Michael D. Machen, CPA, CVA on Apr 09, 2021

During last year's campaign, then-candidate Joe Biden stated that he would use higher taxes to partially fund various spending priorities if he were elected president. Now that the Democrats control the White House and both the House and Senate, tax increases could be on the horizon. Details of the Biden administration's proposed tax changes are gradually coming into focus, and on March 31, President Biden unveiled his infrastructure spending plan, which will be funded in part by an increase in the corporate tax rate to 28%.

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Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning

Student Loan COVID-19 Relief

Posted by Joe Janning on Feb 10, 2021

On January 20, 2021, the COVID-19 emergency relief measures were extended on all federal student loans owned by the U. S. Department of Education (ED) through at least September 30, 2021.

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Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning

The Key to Retirement Security is Picking the Right Plan for Your Business

Posted by Michael D. Machen, CPA, CVA on Sep 04, 2019

If you’re a small business owner or you’re involved in a start-up, you may want to set up a tax-favored retirement plan for yourself and any employees. Several types of plans are eligible for tax advantages.

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Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning

Tools To Help You Reach Major Financial Goals

Posted by Don G. Chastain, CPA on Jun 21, 2018

It's midyear, time to check your progress toward financial goals.

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Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning

Can You Afford To Retire Early?

Posted by Don G. Chastain, CPA on Apr 06, 2018

Answer the key questions below:

If you are like many Americans, you may have visions of an early retirement. Although there are usually hurdles to overcome, the dream may become a reality, depending on your answers to the following questions.

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Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning

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