It's midyear, time to check your progress toward financial goals.
Don G. Chastain, CPA
Recent Posts
2 Tax Law Changes That May Affect Your Business's 401(k) Plan

Posted by Don G. Chastain, CPA on Jun 12, 2018
When you think about recent tax law changes and your business, you’re probably thinking about the new 20% pass-through deduction for qualified business income or the enhancements to depreciation-related breaks. Or you may be contemplating the reduction or elimination of certain business expense deductions. But there are also a couple of recent tax law changes that you need to be aware of if your business sponsors a 401(k) plan.
Posted in Business Advisory
Posted in Not For Profit
Answer the key questions below:
If you are like many Americans, you may have visions of an early retirement. Although there are usually hurdles to overcome, the dream may become a reality, depending on your answers to the following questions.
Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning
Distinguishing traditional IRAs from Roths
There are two basic types of IRAs: the traditional IRA and the Roth IRA. With either one, the deadline for contributions for the 2017 tax year is April 17, 2018. There are no extensions for making IRA contributions for 2017, even if you obtain an extension for filing your return.
Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning
If you’re planning on buying a home that you one day wish to pass on to your adult children, a joint purchase can reduce estate tax liability, provided the children have sufficient funds to finance their portion of the purchase. With the gift and estate tax exemption now set at an inflation-adjusted $10 million thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, federal estate taxes are less of a concern for most families. However, the high exemption amount is only temporary, and there’s state estate tax risk to consider.
Posted in Estate Planning
Small Business Owners: A SEP May Give You One Last 2017 Tax and Retirement Saving Opportunity

Posted by Don G. Chastain, CPA on Feb 12, 2018
Are you a high-income small-business owner who doesn’t currently have a tax-advantaged retirement plan set up for yourself? A Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) may be just what you need, and now may be a great time to establish one. A SEP has high contribution limits and is simple to set up. Best of all, there’s still time to establish a SEP for 2017 and make contributions to it that you can deduct on your 2017 income tax return.
Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning
At this point, it is still uncertain whether any significant tax reform will be enacted this year. Keeping that in mind, individual taxpayers may stick with “tried-and-true” methods to reduce taxes owed at year-end. Here are seven prime examples:
Posted in Individual Tax
Only 20% of Fortune 500 companies are offering new employees pension plans, but plenty of workers and retirees still count on them for retirement income.
Posted in Retirement & Wealth Management Planning