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Returning Value Blog

Chris Earnest

Chris Earnest is the Director of Small Business Services

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Bookkeeping Provides a Solid Foundation for Financial Reporting

Posted by Chris Earnest on Jul 09, 2024

There are currently more than 33 million small businesses in the United States, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.To succeed in today’s competitive markets, it’s essential for your business organization to have accurate books and records. 

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Posted in Accounting & Outsourcing

Recordkeeping for Tax Purposes

Posted by Chris Earnest on Jun 19, 2024

Any recordkeeping system that suits you and your company and clearly shows your income and expenses is OK with the IRS. It's the business you're in that affects the type of records you need to keep for federal tax purposes.

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Posted in Accounting & Outsourcing

End Purchase Order Chaos With a Structured Approval Process

Posted by Chris Earnest on Jun 14, 2024

Whether hiring contractors, buying equipment, or paying vendors, many businesses struggle with the procurement process. Here are some tips for streamlining your company’s purchase order (PO) approval process.

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Posted in Accounting & Outsourcing

4 Bookkeeping Pitfalls for Small Businesses to Avoid

Posted by Chris Earnest on May 28, 2024

Accurate bookkeeping is essential to operating a successful small business. The problems created by inadequate bookkeeping practices can have significant, long-lasting consequences. Here are four common pitfalls — and how to avoid them with the right knowledge and tools.

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Posted in Accounting & Outsourcing

Tips for QuickBooks Users: 5 Mistakes to Avoid During Bank Reconciliation

Posted by Chris Earnest on Jan 04, 2024

Reconciling bank accounts is critical to ensuring the accuracy of your company’s accounting records. The primary purpose of a bank reconciliation is to confirm that the transactions recorded in your bank statement match those shown in your accounting records.

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Posted in Accounting & Outsourcing

Using QuickBooks to Prepare 2024 Budgets and Forecasts

Posted by Chris Earnest on Nov 28, 2023

As year-end nears, many businesses and nonprofits are planning for 2024. QuickBooks® provides budget and forecast features to help management make financial predictions, as well as assess “what if” scenarios to help make more informed business decisions. Here’s how you can use these tools for your year-end financial planning.

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Posted in Accounting & Outsourcing

Tips for a Faster Month-End Close

Posted by Chris Earnest on Oct 23, 2023

Does your company struggle to close its books at the end of each month? The month-end close requires accounting personnel to round up data from across the organization. This process can strain internal resources, potentially leading to delayed financial reporting, errors, and even fraud. Here are some simple ways to streamline your company’s monthly closing process.

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Posted in Accounting & Outsourcing

5 Steps to Track Vehicle Mileage in QuickBooks

Posted by Chris Earnest on Aug 16, 2023

Your organization may need to track business miles to maximize its tax deductions, reimburse employees for personal vehicle use, and comply with IRS rules and regulations. Navigating this process can be administratively burdensome. Fortunately, QuickBooks® offers functionality that can make the process easier and more accurate.

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Posted in Accounting & Outsourcing

Is QuickBooks Right for Your Nonprofit?

Posted by Chris Earnest on Jun 13, 2023

Not-for-profit organizations exist to achieve nonfinancial or philanthropic goals, not to make money or build value for investors. But they still need to monitor their financial health — that is, how much funding is coming in from donations and grants and how much the organization is spending on payroll, rent, and other operating expenses.

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Posted in Business Advisory

How to Use QuickBooks as a Fraud Detection Tool

Posted by Chris Earnest on May 08, 2023

Many businesses and nonprofits use QuickBooks® as a cost-effective solution to manage their accounting processes. However, the software’s capabilities extend beyond organizing and streamlining your company’s accounting. QuickBooks can also help you detect fraud. Here’s an overview of the software’s fraud detection and prevention features:

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Posted in Business Advisory

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